What We Believe

Core Beliefs

When Hope Presbyterian Church is asked about our beliefs, there are often different concerns for those who ask the question. Some want to know about our theology. Others desire greater clarity about what it means to be a Presbyterian Church. Still others are concerned about engagement with the culture in areas of evangelism, mercy & justice, or vocation. While our summary of beliefs may not answer every question, we think it helps provide a basic framework to investigate many other great questions!

Hope’s faith and life are rooted in the historic Christian faith as it is revealed in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. Together with Christians throughout the ages we affirm the historic Nicene and Apostle’s creeds and other foundational doctrines and truths such as:

the inspiration of the holy scriptures

We believe the Bible is God's Word, completely trustworthy and without error. It is the ultimate authority for all that we believe and practice in life.

the trinity

The Bible teaches that one real and personal God exists eternally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

human beings

The Bible teaches that human beings are created gloriously in the image of their creator, to glorify and enjoy God as we live out his purposes for us in this world. Nevertheless, the human race, on account of our first parents, has become estranged from its creator through the overwhelming power of sin. Left to ourselves, we are unable to fulfill the magnificent purpose for which we were created, but would instead perish forever.

the person of jesus christ

Out of God’s sheer love and grace, God the Son took on human flesh in the person of Jesus Christ in order to deliver humanity from its lost condition. In so doing, Jesus lived a sinless life, obeyed God's law completely, suffered and died on the cross of Calvary, and then was physically raised on the third day. He did all this to accomplish the salvation of his people.

faith & repentance

Each person can receive this salvation by renouncing their former manner of life and believing in Jesus Christ alone. This is not something we earn (by good works), but is itself a gift of God’s grace. An obedient life (good works) is lived by the power of the Holy Spirit and is evidence of the salvation we have freely received by grace.

the church

The church is the people of God from all ages, saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, the head of the church, also called "the body of Christ." Christians join together in local communities or churches to worship their Lord, to grow together in his likeness, and to enjoy serving him together.

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