Reformed University Fellowship (RUF)
Hope Presbyterian Church is associated with RUF, a college ministry that reaches students for Christ and equips them to serve. We have a large group service every Tuesday night, Bible studies, fun events, and service projects. To get involved with RUF, you can contact Katelyn Spallinger or Andrew Whitaker (see contact info below) or join our GroupMe by clicking here! Scroll through the photos above to see some of our events!
Andrew Whitaker
RUF Campus Minister
Andrew is from the south side of Indianapolis and is married to Christianna. They have three beautiful children, Vivian (9), Charlie (6), and Elaina (2)! Andrew and Christianna met while students at Moody Bible Institute, married in 2010 and then headed off to Covenant seminary where Andrew completed his Master's of Divinity. Andrew was ordained in 2016 and has served as an Assistant pastor at two PCA churches. Andrew and his family enjoy the outdoors, catching up over a good meal, impromptu jam sessions, and adventuring in their pop-up camper affectionately named "Tiny Tim."
Andrew is from the south side of Indianapolis and is married to Christianna. They have three beautiful children, Vivian (9), Charlie (6), and Elaina (2)! Andrew and Christianna met while students at Moody Bible Institute, married in 2010 and then headed off to Covenant seminary where Andrew completed his Master's of Divinity. Andrew was ordained in 2016 and has served as an Assistant pastor at two PCA churches. Andrew and his family enjoy the outdoors, catching up over a good meal, impromptu jam sessions, and adventuring in their pop-up camper affectionately named "Tiny Tim."